ONLINE TALK with Alex Gamsu Jenkins

Satirical, surreal, like an eternal acid trip. We are fascinated by the vivid style and bright colors of this illustrator and animation director who came to Argentina for the first time from the United Kingdom thanks to the support of Motion Principles. Alex Gamsu Jenkins is an illustrator and animation director based in London, known for his satirical style full of black humor. Since graduating in 2015, he has worked on editorial, animation and commercial projects. Some of the brands he has collaborated with include Adidas, Vans, The New York Times and Facebook. On November 1st, free of charge and at Escuela Da Vinci, we had the privilege of being part of his absurd, grotesque and humorous universe, which perfectly captures contemporary anxieties. His illustrations explore the strange and the surreal, from treadmills that devour their users to creatures that satirize everyday life. His work reflects, in a hypnotic and chaotic way, modern concerns.
Watch his ONLINE CONFERENCE on 11/7 at 7:30 PM Arg Time GMT -3 on our YouTube Channel.
Gastón estudió hasta 4to año de la carrera de Diseño Gráfico en la UNC hasta que formó su primer estudio de animación junto a dos socios y abandonó la carrera. Su pasión por la ilustración y el diseño de personajes le han permitido participar en publicaciones de revistas y libros. Cuenta con una extensa y destacada experiencia en la industria trabajando como ilustrador, diseñador de personajes y animador. Colaboró en numerosos comerciales, cortos, videoclips y series.
Actualmente se encuentra dedicado al diseño de personajes e ilustración freelance. Siempre se interesó en la multidisciplina artística experimentando tanto en música como en audiovisual.