Gabriela Nascone

Together with the Argentine Film Industry Union-Animation, Advertising and Audiovisual Media (SICA APIMA) and Té de Productores, we are going to learn about the rights and obligations related to contracts and the roles of coworkers when making audiovisual productions.
Gabriela Nascone, a lawyer from SICA APIMA, will talk about the importance of the union within the framework of the collective agreement or contract of working conditions, and also of its actions against the employer, the State and society.
@tedeproductores 💬: “At Té de Productores, we think of the role of production as another link within the technical team, we are also workers. But we have the particular task of being in charge of hiring the technical team, that is, our own coworkers, our peers.
Knowing the work tools, labor rights and obligations helps us to carry out this task in an organic, harmonious and fair way.
To speak from knowledge and break with the imaginary around the figure of unions, we called on Gabriela Nascone, a lawyer from SICA.
SICA APIMA is the union of the film, animation, advertising and audiovisual media industry. Today, the only legal space where animation workers have representation.
The union looks after the well-being of its members as well as of us, who are within its scope but not formally affiliated. Through collective bargaining agreements or contracts, the union proposes the conditions and actions necessary for workers to have the tools to deal with their employer, state and society as a whole.”
📌 The talk is on Thursday, October 31 at 4:30 pm at @escueladavinci. Free admission and on a first-come, first-served basis.