Open Call BIT BANG 2020 animations for cats.
In this new apocalyptic and online edition that will take place from November 2 to 9, BIT BANG welcomes the new cat audience with BIT BANG MIAU. We invite humans to participate in the world’s first kitten animation competition.
Mice, birds, fish, more cats, geometric shapes, anything goes. We will evaluate the theme, content, graphics, soundtrack, and if they are related to the target, cats of all ages. We will have a human jury and a cat jury, and there are prizes. Cat vote will be counted by amount of screen time, how close it is, the number of hits to the screen, and purr.
- Participants can apply either in an individual basis or as a team; must be at least 18 years old and of any nationality. Submitted works must be done under this guideline and following the technical requirements demanded for their future exhibition.
- Participation is free of charge.
- Submission is open for any animation technique artwork released after August 1st 2020.
- Application period is from August 14th of 2020 to October 7th 2020.
- The format o must be 16: 9, 25fps, from 1 to 4 minutes.
- To register the work you just have to send an email to with a link to the video that doesn’t expire, we will send you a very simple form, and voila, you already participate in the pre-selection.
- Entries submitted will be evaluated by the Festival Committee who will judge and determine which entries will participate in each category. The committee´s decision is final and not subjected to appeal.
- By entering the contest and submitting artwork, participants agree to abide by the Rules of the Festival. Furthermore, the participants confirm that they own the rights to the work submitted and that they authorize its exhibition at the Festival, which will be held from November 2nd to 9th 2020. The participant also confirms that he or she has received full explicit authorization from the owner(s) of any copyrighted elements not in their property appearing either fully or in part on their artwork submitted that fall under Intellectual Property Protection, either National or International Law. Additionally, the participant agrees that any situation arising from the use of Intellectual Property of a third party fully conforms to the terms and conditions on this document. “Authorization of use of a copyrighted work” shall be understood as permission given by the author or copyright holder of said copyrighted work in any contractual form for the use of the copyrighted work according to the terms established by Intellectual Property Law.
- The organization of the Festival reserves the right to make the decisions it deems pertinent regarding situations not expressly provided for in these rules.
- The Jury shall be composed of professionals from multiple areas of the field of animation… and cats. The Jury’s decision is final and not subjected to appeal.
- The Selection will be published on and will be notified by email.
- When submitting the selected artwork, participants authorize the use of trailers or extracts of the work (supplied by the representative of the selected items), to carry out the promotion of Bit Bang Miau.
- Finalists will be notified by email, where they shall receive the formal instructions regarding the formats, deadlines, place and manner of sending the selected artwork for public display during the days of the festival. The final material must be delivered within the stipulated deadlines, otherwise the work will be disqualified.
- The Festival will not pay screening fee of the final artwork selected. In turn, the festival guarantees that all functions have free admission for the public.