Joe Bennett at BITBANG

ONLINE TALK with Joe Bennett 🛸
Every Thursday a different giant. This September 5th we have the privilege of sharing the same cyberspace and time with Joe Bennett, co-creator of the spectacular series of the moment Scavengers Reign, awarded with an Emmy in 2024, and of Common Side Effects, which will premiere in 2025 on Adult Swim.
Joe is one of the founders of Green Street Pictures and, together with his team, they are our great references in the creation of universes as unique as they are fascinating and magnetic, where survival, symbiosis and interconnection with the environment prevail. In his talk, he will share with us the behind the scenes of his creative process, exploring how complex visual stories are developed and how alien ecosystems are created that are as much protagonists as the characters themselves. 🪐
When? Where? How?
📅 Thursday, September 5th at 7:00 p.m. (ARG time, GMT-3) on our YouTube channel.
🌐 Participate from anywhere in the world.
📝 Pre-register in THIS FORM.
All talks are here and now, they are not recorded, so don’t miss it!
Gastón estudió hasta 4to año de la carrera de Diseño Gráfico en la UNC hasta que formó su primer estudio de animación junto a dos socios y abandonó la carrera. Su pasión por la ilustración y el diseño de personajes le han permitido participar en publicaciones de revistas y libros. Cuenta con una extensa y destacada experiencia en la industria trabajando como ilustrador, diseñador de personajes y animador. Colaboró en numerosos comerciales, cortos, videoclips y series.
Actualmente se encuentra dedicado al diseño de personajes e ilustración freelance. Siempre se interesó en la multidisciplina artística experimentando tanto en música como en audiovisual.