ONLINE TALK with Patricio Plaza

The Author’s Path – What is an animation author? Taking a self-referential retrospective tour, we delve into the fruitless search for answers to these questions about the personal, the political, the creation and the metaphysical nonsense of making cartoons. Patricio Plaza is an animation filmmaker from La Plata, Buenos Aires, with more than 20 years of experience, after studying visual arts and audiovisual communication at UNLP. His work focuses on political animation, using genres such as horror to address the historical struggles of Latin America. He directed and co-created six short films, selected in more than 500 festivals and with more than 240 international awards. In 2019, he founded Ojo Raro, a production space focused on South American and queer animation. The company’s first short, ‘Carne de Dios’, was recognized at several festivals and nominated for the Annie Awards 2024. Committed to human rights and the promotion of LGBTIQ+ creators and racialized minorities, he has led initiatives such as “Voces del Sur” with Bitbang and “Miradas Furtivas: Feminidades y Disidencias de la Animación Argentina”. He was also a curator and lecturer at international festivals. In addition, he teaches direction and narrative at various institutions.
Watch his ONLINE CONFERENCE on 11/12 at 7:30 p.m. Arg Time GMT -3 on our YouTube Channel.
Gastón estudió hasta 4to año de la carrera de Diseño Gráfico en la UNC hasta que formó su primer estudio de animación junto a dos socios y abandonó la carrera. Su pasión por la ilustración y el diseño de personajes le han permitido participar en publicaciones de revistas y libros. Cuenta con una extensa y destacada experiencia en la industria trabajando como ilustrador, diseñador de personajes y animador. Colaboró en numerosos comerciales, cortos, videoclips y series.
Actualmente se encuentra dedicado al diseño de personajes e ilustración freelance. Siempre se interesó en la multidisciplina artística experimentando tanto en música como en audiovisual.