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BITBANG 2023 – 9th edition
Buenos Aires, OCT 23 – 28

BITBANG day by day

All times are provided in Argentina Standard Time (GMT-3).

10:00H – South Voices. Cold Pitch.

15:00H – South Voices. Talk with Simón Wilches Castro 

16:00H – South Voices. Talk with Silvia Prietov

17:00H – South Voices. Talk with Carlos Salamanca

19:00H – South Voices. Mentorship: Storytelling

20:00H – OPENING Club Lucero

20:30H – Competition Screening: Latin American Short Films 1, Club Lucero

21:15H – Competition Screening: International Short Films 1, Club Lucero

22:00H – Pichiseries, Club Lucero

Presentation of Series Projects

✧ Electro Andes ✧
✧ Gorrionetas ✧
✧ Cosmic City Cruisers ✧
✧ Shenku ✧
✧ Funky Hunters ✧

22:30H – Competiion Screening: International Shorts 2, Club Lucero

23:30H – NANI?!: Exquisite Corpse of Anime, Club Lucero

An exquisite corpse of the weirdest anime!

10:00H – South Voices – Mentorship: Directing

14:00H – South Voices – Mentorship: Art Direction

17:00H – South Voices – Workshop: Storytelling

18:00H – GIF Workshop with Eze Torres, Room 3 – C.C. Recoleta

We’ve partnered with Giphy Arts to launch this Animated GIFs Workshop with the talented sensei Eze Torres. Over three days, you can dive into the world of animated gifs, creating loop animations, based on a premise: contributing to a more sustainable world.

18:00H – Storyboard Workshop with Guido Depaoli, Clock Bridge Room C.C. Recoleta

With a focus on cinematic resources, this workshop will help you tell the story you want and build meaning in the best possible way: how many shots, what actions, shot sizes and framings, off-camera, etc.

18:30H – Talk: Producers’ Tea, Microcine C.C. Recoleta

@rubyvalls @ailinestrella @guill3.t @biancattaneo_art @rookristeff @josefinalives @ayedac_ will review and identify roles within the world of production and their tasks within the team. We will then explore the pipeline of an animated piece, uncovering its secrets and various combinations, and conclude with the Production Survival Kit. This will be reviewed in detail later at the Producers’ Tea, which will take place at a location to be confirmed on the day of the talk.

19:15H – 
Talk: Dossier Assembly x APA LAB, Cinema C.C. Recoleta

Do you have many great ideas but lack funding? Want to present your projects to calls but don’t know where to start? From the beautiful Córdoba, Ita Romero and Nacho Maiocco, coordinators of APA Lab and members of the APA Board of Directors, will join us to help you put together the best possible dossier for contests and markets.

20:00H – 
Talk: Ojo Raro, Cinema C.C. Recoleta

Ojo Raro is an open platform, a space for reflection on the animated image and its cultural implications. They produce animation for adults, focusing on disruptive content, with a queer and sudaka perspective. They produce from shorts to feature films created and directed by authors from the global south, particularly femininities, gender-sex dissidences, and other historically postponed minorities in authorship and direction roles.

In this talk, we will explore their body of work and analyze the current landscape of Latin American and Argentine animation.

20:00H – Competition Screening: Latin American Graduation Shorts 1, Gaumont Cinema

20:45H – Screening: 
Deseo Marica, Cinema C.C. Recoleta

21:00H – Competition Screening: Latin American Graduation Shorts 2, Gaumont Cinema

22:00H – Competition 
Screening: International Short Films 3, Gaumont Cinema 

23:00H – Competition Screening
: International Shorts Films 4, Gaumont Cinema

10:00H – South Voices: Distribution Talk with Luce Grosjean

11:00H – South Voices – Mentorship: Production

15:00H – South Voices – Mentorship: Executive Production

17:00H – South Voices – Workshop: Art Direction 

18:00H – GIF Workshop with Eze Torres, Room 3 C.C. Recoleta

We’ve partnered with Giphy Arts to launch this Animated GIFs Workshop with the talented sensei Eze Torres. Over three days, you can dive into the world of animated gifs, creating loop animations, based on a premise: contributing to a more sustainable world.

19:00H – Workshop: Wine and Arduino, Cumbre de Mayo

The girls from #VinoYArduino invite you to take your first steps in this exciting world of electronics, compilation, errors, frustrations, and discoveries, starting from scratch, with basic principles of electronics and programming. The idea is for you to leave with a simple project completed.

19:30H – Screening: Stealthy Glances, Gaumont Cinema

20:00H – Screening: International Shorts 5, Club Lucero

20:15H – Screening: National Shorts + Q&A with directors, Gaumont Cinema

21:00H – Screening: International Shorts 6, Club Lucero

22:00H – Screening: International Shorts 7, Club Lucero

23:00H – Screening: International Shorts 8, Club Lucero

10:00H – South Voices: Pitch Workshop x APA LAB,

15:00H – South Voices: Talk by Alejandra Moffat

17:00H – Video Game Talks with Bruno Martínez, Sebastián Blanco, Alejandra Bruno, Pablo Quarta, Daniel Benmergui + Video Game Showcase of the BITBANG 2023 Competition, Room 7 C.C. Recoleta

The talks will cover everything from different ways to approach storytelling in video games to various student experiences when developing experimental video games, to the narrative game trend that brings us powerful stories. Plus, you can see the Video Games in Competition!

18:00H – Masterclass: Color Spaces by Edi Walger, Da Vinci School

Understanding color management, ICC profiles, color spaces, and ACES management is essential to ensure your animation project looks good on any screen. That’s why we invite you to this crucial talk at @escueladavinci.

18:00H – GIF Workshop with Eze Torres, Room 3 C.C. Recoleta

We’ve partnered with Giphy Arts to launch this Animated GIFs Workshop with the talented sensei Eze Torres. Over three days, you can dive into the world of animated gifs, creating loop animations, based on a premise: contributing to a more sustainable world.

19:00H – Masterclass: Foley Sound: from idea to matter by Begoña Cortázar and Nuria Suaya, Da Vinci School

With the help of @asasonidistas, we will delve into the very essence of sound, from where it originates, to delve deep into the creative processes of the foley artist.

21:00H – Animation Jam, Da Vinci School

10:00 – South Voices: Talk with Lucía Cavalchini & Ignacio Lillini

11:00 – South Voices – Talk with José Domicó, Leny Luz Domicó, Andrés Castillo, Diego Castillo, Colectivo TUTU

14:00 – South Voices – Mentorship Pitch

17:00H – Presentation: Production of short film RIO, Da Vinci School

18:00H – Presentation: Short film ‘Strass’, Da Vinci School

The ‘Strass’ team participates in #BITBANG9, sharing everything we need to know about the creation of this beautiful debut piece.

18:30H – Diego Polieri and Damián Fernández Gómez, Da Vinci School

Diego and Damián will give a talk focusing on their latest collaboration: ‘Spiderman Across the Spiderverse’. Additionally, they will present an overview of their main works, creating a dialogue around aesthetic and production decisions as well as working conditions.

19:15H – Retrospective Sophie Koko + Q&A, Da Vinci School

Thanks to the support of @britishcouncil, there will be a Q&A and a retrospective of her work, including her latest animations (the most twisted ones) at @escueladavinci.

20:00H – Talk: Estampita, Da Vinci School

The talk will focus on her work on ‘Adventure Time: Fionna & Cake’, where she will share her experience and knowledge acquired.

20:45H – Talk: Joe Cappa, Da Vinci School

This year, Joe Cappa joins the ninth edition of @bitbangclub to give a talk about his career and creative processes.

21:00H – Screening: BITBANG Shorts, La Paz Arriba

21:00H – Screening: Latin American Shorts 2, C.C. Recoleta

22:00H – Screening: International Shorts 9, C.C. Recoleta

22:00H – Animation Jam Awards, Da Vinci School

22:00H –  PPT Fest, La Paz Arriba

We’ll get to enjoy quality content with the presentation of the 5 ppts selected in the @pptfest call.

23:00H – Karaoke with Sukermercado, La Paz Arriba

23:00H – Screening: International Shorts 10, C.C. Recoleta

00:00-05:00H – ORO Party with DJ Junior, DJ Garoto, DJ Owen, La Paz Arriba

The @fiesta.oro starts at 1 am, a mystical and fantastical dance club in Egyptian code where house, funk, and doré dominate!

12:00H – Game Testing Zone for student games
BITBANG Video Games
Madison VR
AGS Video Games
GEEK OUT!: Board and role-playing games
Just Dance, Da Vinci School13:00 h

14:00H – Voces del Sur: Final Pitch

Participants from the 6 selected projects will give a final pitch after being part of the Voices from the South training.

18:00H – Talk: Juan Pablo Zaramella, C.C. Kirchner

The #1 in stop motion will give a talk in the dome of @elcckirchner showcasing his latest works.

19:00H – Game Jam Awards, Da Vinci School

After the challenge that took place from October 6th to 8th, the selected teams will have a space to present themselves for five minutes and explain how they approached the theme.

19:00H – BITBANG Awards, C.C. Kirchner

The winning shorts from each category + the winning video games + the winning South Voices projects will be awarded.

19:30H – Vocaloid Medley: Free Live Performance, Da Vinci

Characters from Vocaloid Medley return to @bitbangclub in approximately 20-minute performances alongside dancers, projections, and special lighting.

19:30H – Talk: Sophie Koko, C.C. Kirchner

Thanks to the support of @britishcouncil, we will have the privilege of hearing her speak at @elcckirchner.

21:00H – FINAL PARTY, Dune Park

We open the dance floor and fill all three floors of @duneparkclub to celebrate the closing of the ninth edition of @bitbangclub.

Club: Milena Adamis, Valentina Spirito, Julián Príncipe, CH4RL4, VJ X-RAT & NN

VJ Room: ANYI, AWE, JRandom Live Set, Qualia.AV, Arcades: Dobotone, Line Wobbler, Ventilastation

Theater: Paul Sende, Gabriela Mungía